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Strengthen immune system - what's the best way? Our immune system is like a security system inside the body. It's a network of specialized cells ready to attack the invaders.
The skin and the mucus lining the membranes are your first line of defense against bacteria and other toxic invaders. Each of the systems has its own natural defense mechanisms, such as stomach acid, coughing or sneezing, etc.
The second line of defense acts like a 6th sense that identifies the enemy, whether it's bacteria, a virus, yeast, chemicals, parasites, toxins, free radicals, etc.
The immune system's job is to destroy the invaders before they destroy us.
Check out the top 10 Natural ways to prevent cancer, and find the best cancer prevention foods.
Of course stress affects the body and mind, and the immune system is one of the first systems to weaken under extreme stress. It's essential to learn how to better handle stress or avoid stressful situations.
Avoid white sugar as it immediately suppresses the immune system.
White sugar, stress, a poor diet and toxins can also cause chronic inflammation.
The anti-inflammatory diet is essential to your health. Inflammation is the body's natural defense against illness and disease, however, chronic inflammation leads to arthritis, type II diabetes, Alzheimer's, cancer and more. If you're not sure if your symptoms are caused by inflammation, find a complete list of inflammation symptoms.
If you have a tendency to reach for Aspirin, Advil or other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for your pain, read more about aspirin side effects.
The best anti-inflammatory supplements help reduce your inflammation naturally. The first things to determine are the causes of inflammation and work on that. Find 5 steps to lowering inflammation. An herbal cleanse is a good place to start, followed by a detox to eliminate toxins from the body.
Strengthen immune system with antioxidants, which neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals and slow down oxidative damage in our bodies.
Antioxidants are natural immune system boosters and are found in whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, and vegetable oils. Brightly colored vegetables and berries are high in antioxidants. Once again, this simply means that the more we choose a healthy diet, the stronger our bodies will be.
Shingles or Herpes Zoster is an immune system disease. It is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox, a virus which then lies dormant in the body.
Find your
Treatment for shingles here.
Natural cure for herpes
Psoriasis, a skin condition is an indication that the body is intoxicated and in need of a complete cleanse, especially the liver. Check psoriasis home treatment for further information.
If you are looking for a natural way to help cure your cold you can
Find the Best Cold Remedy here
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