Take the Body Type Quiz! Determine your type for easy weight loss.

Work with me,

Stop depriving yourself --
dieting doesn't work!

Let's work together to find the plan that will get the results you want.

Does any of this sound like you?

You are at the heaviest weight you've been.

You’ve tried every diet and nothing ever works.

Frustrated with not being able to fit into your clothes.

Loneliness, boredom, stress and depression has you spiralling out of control grabbing sweets, unhealthy snacks late at night and overly generous portions at most meals.

One size does not fit all.

I get it, most of my clients were in the same place when they contacted me. 

What if the diets you've been trying aren't designed for your specific body type? Chances are this is the case if you've tried countless diets before and they haven't worked.

What if you could...

  • Have fewer cravings
  • Fit into all of your old clothes
  • feel satisfied and not hungry

  • Overcome emotional eating once and for all
  • Have tons of energy to do all the things you love

Let me introduce you to...

Bodytypology: the system for lasting weight loss

It’s a personalized, healthy eating weight loss system that works better than any diet.

Drop the pounds easily as you learn to nourish your body with the right foods at the right time.

The plan is easy to follow so you are sure to succeed. It provides you with specific foods to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Nourish your body to lose weight without using unhealthy meal replacement shakes or bars that slow down your metabolism and make long term weight loss impossible.

It’s simple; once we figure out your type, you have your plan.

There are four different body types and four different approaches to weight loss. 

And, the problem is, most people do not know their own body type and are eating the wrong foods at the wrong time.
Causing unnecessary struggles with their weight loss, inducing uncontrollable cravings.

Repeating eating patterns that leave them feeling:

  • listless
  • exhausted
  • unmotivated
  • discouraged and
  • even hopeless – having been down the path of so many diets without success.

pic of the 4 body types

Just imagine...

  • No counting calories
  • No counting points
  • No weighing food
  • Save time and LOADS of money

You won’t make yourself crazy constantly thinking about what you can and cannot eat.

  • You will experience fat loss in the spots that bother you the most!
  • You will eliminate cravings! 
  • You will feel more balanced.
  • Your energy will soar!
  • And you will feel balanced and AMAZING as you lose weight!

I can help you achieve all of this without feeling hungry or deprived.

Here's how it works.

Start with a personal evaluation to figure out your body type.

You'll meet with me by Zoom to get your individualized plan that fits you and your lifestyle, as well as tips to heal your ailments naturally.

Next, you'll choose weekly goals and I'll give you continued support to implement changes that are sustainable long term.

I also use RTT, Rapid Transformational Therapy, to help uncover the emotional triggers that are holding you back. We release these and create permanent change and deep healinginstilling new beliefs and a more positive mindset that aligns with your desires. It's truly a remarkable, transformational process!

Additional Motivational Materials:

  • A complete manual with 12 sessions each focusing on the most important aspects of  weight loss 
  • My High on Health Low on Sugar Recipe Book!
  • A simple food journal with check boxes to keep you on track
  • Motivational emails with fabulous resources
  • And so much more!

pic of Sue-Anne's cookbook


I'm excited to get started,
let's chat!


Lesia dropped 36 pounds!

before and after pic of lesia

 "I used to think I was making healthy choices, but there were a lot of areas where I had some dietary bad habits.

Sue-Anne’s program zoomed in on those areas.  As a result, I have more energy, feel better, I'm happier, my headaches are gone and I shed 36 pounds without exercising!"

Lesia Prystupa

Paula lost 30 pounds!

"I'm nourishing my body now, I lost 30 pounds, this program has saved my life," 

Paula Kessler

Cyndy lost 25 pounds!

"Sue-Anne nailed it right away, my body type, my personality, my challenges. I lost 25 pounds as well as the dangerous belly fat which is so depleting."

Cyndy King 

How would it feel
to easily drop 25 - 35 pounds
or more?

What if you could feel proud of dropping the pounds you want to, by finally finding an easy, healthy sustainable plan, instead of frustrated and fed up with trying yet another fad diet that flops. 

About Sue-Anne 

Sue-Anne Hickey is a Certified Naturopath and weight loss specialist. 

Her passion is in helping her clients heal their ailments naturally, lose weight, and regain their energy and happiness using her personalized body type plan, Bodytypology: System for Lasting Weight Loss. Sue-Anne combines this with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) to uncover limiting beliefs and release them, creating permanent change and deep healing.

When she’s not coaching clients or leading groups, she loves biking, skiing and walking in the woods. 

Simply fill out this form and let's chat!