Take the Body Type Quiz! Determine your type for easy weight loss.
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Here is your healthy diet plan. Find all the answers you need to get back on your feet, working towards a healthy, happy you. You're tired of yo-yo dieting and you Know there Must be a better way! You've recently been diagnosed with celiac disease, hypertension, or hypothyroidism? Or you have just discovered that an anti-inflammatory diet high in alkalinizing foods is the best way to prevent and help cure disease? |
Perhaps you have been feeling exhausted and you are tired of always feeling so tired! Are you looking for a way to cure your ailments naturally because you don't like taking medication with it's numerous side effects?
Basically, the best healthy diet plan starts with one rule of thumb:
Eat whole, colorful foods in their most natural state possible.
Simple and 100% true. No food has been made more nutritionally dense through packaging and processing.
We live in an age where most people are overwhelmed, overworked, stressed... trying to balance it all, take care of kids, aging parents, and their health gets put at the bottom of the list when it should be at the very top.
Are you going to wait until yo have a huge health scare before making changes and following a healthy diet plan? It may be too late! I don't know about you, but seems like every time you turn around someone else you know has been diagnosed with cancer.
Many studies show that 80% of cancer can be prevented through healthy diet and lifestyle changes.
Your health is the most precious gift you have, the choices you make today affect your quality of life tomorrow. Don't tell me that you don't have time if you have time to watch TV or scroll on social media. Puhlease!
Do you find yourself skipping breakfast, grabbing a quick lunch on the go, fast food for dinner? This is of course a recipe for disaster.
Yes, you do need to spend some time in the kitchen. Those vegetables don't cut themselves. But there are tons of ways to save time in the kitchen.
I'm so glad you're here! Let's get started!
This simple graphic I made shows you exactly how to follow a really balanced healthy diet plan.
Start with 1/2 your plate vegetables.... And note, this is for lunch and dinner.
Most people make the huge mistake of eating a lunch that is too small and light, a quick sandwich, a wrap, fast food, with hardly any vegetables... Or a light salad or soup. They think that the salad or soup is healthy, which it may be, But it is not enough!!
For your healthy diet plan you need to aim at getting lots of veggies, some protein and yes, some good quality carbs listed in the pic for lunch And dinner.
I can see you rolling your eyes saying, there's no way I have time to prepare all that! Well, I've got you covered, check out this great article about how to fix a super healthy lunch in minutes.
When you add in the healthy carbs... Everything changes! You'll be satisfied a lot longer and you will not be jumping into the unhealthy snacks in the afternoon.... or arriving home starving, ready to eat everything in sight! Sound familiar? I know, as a certified naturopath I've helped hundreds of my clients make these changes, learn how to eat right for their body type and drop the pounds they wanted to.
You're probably very hesitant to eat carbs because you believe that if you do that you will gain weight. Which is completely False, ...But wait, Isn't that what keto is all about. Yes, but keto is a very unhealthy way to lose weight
Medical studies prove that doing keto long term will take years off of your life. Is losing weight worth shortening your lifespan?? Seriously!
And keto is not sustainable long term. As soon as you start eating carbs the weight comes right back on and then some.
Come on, you Know that eating a balanced, healthy diet is the only way to go! And the only healthy diet plan that you can sustain long term, which is the key to your success, of course!
For your healthy diet plan, it's all about the kind of carbs!
Replace white rice, white flour, white pasta with better quality grains like brown rice, quinoa, kamut flour, kamut pasta or brown rice pasta.
What I do, is to cook large amounts of whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, and keep them in the fridge. Quinoa is perfect hot or cold, eaten in a salad. I always have sweet potatoes and potatoes on hand and kamut pasta.That makes it easy to always have your 1/2 cup whole grains.
I know! 1/2 cup is not a lot! But hey, my clients are super happy that they no longer need to avoid carbs completely, and because they are nutritionally dense they keep you satisfied, as I mentioned.
Your protein can be a vegetarian protein such as chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, tofu, you can make bean salad or hummus, etc, these are all super economical... or fish or poultry.
And either raw or cooked veggies to fill half your plate. Yes, you can use frozen in a pinch, but it really only takes 5 minutes to steam broccoli, beans, cauliflower or other veggies in a steamer basket.
I'd love to cut through all the misinformation out there for you!
Hi, my name is Sue-Anne Hickey, I'm a certified naturopath, weight loss specialist and creator of Bodytypology. For over 28 years, nutrition, healthy eating , healthy lifestyle has been a passion of mine. I love helping my clients break through the barriers, that are holding the weight in place.
Helping my clients with weight loss I learned that the most important thing to do was to help them learn how to eat right for their body type. But what was missing, was healing the emotional aspect.
So I became a licensed R.T.T. practitioner. It stands for Rapid Transformational Therapy. A powerful and efficient modality that uncovers the root cause of limiting beliefs. We release them, reframe them and create permanent new beliefs and a more positive mindset, that align with your desires.
The results are nothing short of spectacular! It is the Key ingredient, along with the body type plan to ensure your lasting weight loss success.
Let's Chat so you can begin your transformation, body, soul and mind.
The best healthy diet plans for your specific ailments are below in alphabetical order!
Information on how to make the dietary changes you need to regain your health naturally.
ADHD healthy diet plan for children
The best way to help kids by using the right foods, a hyperactivity diet and natural adhd alternatives. Find an adhd checklist for parents, which foods for adhd that are best to eat which to avoid.
Anti-inflammatory diet
The anti-inflammatory diet is essential to your health. While inflammation is the body's natural defense against illness and disease, chronic inflammation leads to arthritis, type II diabetes, Alzheimer's, cancer and more.
Diet and Arthritis - Osteoarthritis Diet
For nutrition and arthritis, you want to make sure to reduce all foods that are overly acidifying in your healthy diet plan. This includes white sugar, flour, refined grains, processed or packaged foods. The most alkalinzing foods are fresh vegetables.
Your healthy diet plan for asthma should include an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, oats, brown rice and whole grains. Avoid dairy and white sugar.
How to cure candida? The most important aspect is your healthy diet plan. In order to get rid of candida it is essential to eliminate foods that encourage the yeast to flourish, such as sugar, yeast, alcohol, etc. Find the best foods to eat and what to avoid.
Diet for Celiac Disease
For your gluten-free diet, here is a quick healthy diet plan reference guide for family and friends, as well as replacement equivalents for recipes. Plus, all the foods to allow, question or avoid.
Diet for Constipation
Follow the simple steps in this diet for constipation to keep your bowels moving smoothly.
The World health organization estimates that at least 330 million people suffer from depression. Diet plays a huge role in alleviating depression! Many tend to reach for sweets when depressed which is the worst thing to do.
Which foods are low glycemic foods and how does one figure out glycemic levels? The glycemic index rates carbohydrate foods on their effect on the body's blood glucose levels. It is important for those with diabetes or hypoglycemia, and for athletes and those who want to lose weight.
Diet for Hypoglycemia
Your diet for hypoglycemia could be the most important aspect of your natural ways to lose weight. It will help you feel more balanced and avoid over eating. Find out what hypoglycemia is and what to eat. The best hypoglycemia healthy diet plan and how to overcome hypoglycemia before it leads to diabetes.
Staying healthy when you travel is a challenge, here at 7 top tips for you to be able to stay on a healthy diet plan while you travel and healthy travel snacks for you and your family while on the go.
Hypothyroidism Diet
This hypothyroidism diet can help alleviate your symptoms by showing you how to choose beneficial foods and learn which foods to avoid.
Natural Liver Cleanse Recipe
Our liver works hard to eliminate a constantly growing number of toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis. Check out these ideas to boost your liver back up and kick start your weight loss. Alleviate many ailments by doing a natural liver detox.
Foods that Lower Blood Pressure
Find the key to eating foods that lower blood pressure. Learn how to make the necessary changes and follow a healthy diet plan to lower blood pressure naturally.
A healthy osteoporosis diet is important, as a healthy diet plan maintains proper pH balance in the body, which is essential for bone health. Also, adequate protein is necessary to transport calcium in the body. Generally, the recommended daily allowance for protein is 46 grams per day for a woman, 56 for a man.
Psoriasis and Diet
Psoriasis natural treatments start with dietary changes. Saturated fats, found in meat and dairy as well as fried foods need to be eliminated from the diet.
Foods for Healthy Skin
Your diet for healthy skin starts with lots of fresh food rather than packaged food. The best quality fats and oils, instead of fried foods and refined oils. Whole grains to replace refined grains.
Diet for Ulcers
Much has changed over the years in the recommended diet for ulcers. The cause of ulcers was also thought to be stress and anxiety. We now know that it is also a matter of h. pylori bacteria being present. Follow this diet for ulcers to help alleviate your symptoms.
Drinking water to lose weight
Many mistake thirst for hunger. Drinking water can not only help you to lose weight, but also prevent and help cure a myriad of ailments. Find out how much water you need to drink and how to lose weight and alleviate sweet cravings by increasing the amount of water you drink.
I hope that this information helps you finally start to develop a healthy diet plan that works!
The thing is that it is so hard to do it on your own, right? I know with every new thing that I start with if I don't have the accountability I can't follow through. So I end up going off track and not getting the results I want. If you could have done it on your own, you would have by now.
I'm here to give you the accountability and encouragement you need and share my expertise. To help you slowly implement small changes over time, so that these changes become your new healthy habits that you can then sustain long term.
Bodytypology is a program that I put together with my over 28 years expertise and passion of researching everything I could about healthy eating and lifestyle. It's a personalized body type plan that makes it super easy for you to nourish your body with the right foods at the right time to guarantee your long term weight loss success!
If you're so Ready to end the yo-yo dieting
You've never weighed this much before
You no longer fit in any of your clothes
You've tried everything and nothing works
If you're finally ready to lose the weight in a healthy sustainable way...
Contact me today to book your free discovery call to find out more!
High Sulfite Sensitivity
Submitted by Karl
I've got a high sulfite sensitivity and I am finding it hard to know what's good to eat and what's not.
For example are bread, pasta, cereals good for me?
Tomatoes, fresh mushrooms, onions, garlic - these have sulfites or not ?
Is yeast good for me?
Can you suggest some recipes that are sulfite free ?
I am really confused when deciding what to eat for breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner. Sometimes I end up starving - REALLY starving!
I would appreciate any help.
Thank you,
Sue-Anne' Reply:
Hi Karl,
Sulfites are a health hazard to us all. They are taken from inorganic sulfur found in coal. They are used to stop mold, to stop foods from blackening, darkening and to lighten foods. They kill pests and help food retain more moisture.
Our bodies treat sulfite as a poison. It stays in our organs, causing asthma, headaches, gout, damaging the kidneys and white blood cells. It attacks the immune system and reduces red blood cell count.
Our bodies also leech minerals from the bones, muscles, nerves and digestive system in order to neutralize sulfites. This leaves us mineral deficient and prone to disease.
Two glasses of wine contain the maximum amount of sulfites one should consume in one day.
First of all you need to know the names that are used for sulfites in packaged foods:
Sulphur or sulfur dioxide
sulfur anhydride
Sodium bisulfate
Sodium metabisulfite
Potassium metabisulfite
When buying any packaged foods always check the list of ingredients to ensure they don't contain any of these sulfites.
You can easily see dried apricots that are treated with sulfites are a bright orange color. Organic dried apricots are naturally brown. For many foods it is not as easily detected.
Sulfites are found in:
Dehydrated foods
Frozen foods
Dried fruits
On fruits, especially grapes
For the above list and as much as possible buy organic foods. Check with your local health food store. The one I shop at, Tau in the Montreal area, has a policy of not selling any food with chemical preservatives. Sign up for an organic fruit, vegetable coop or buy organic at your local market.
The more you make your own healthy meals and snacks from scratch, using whole, natural ingredients, the more you will avoid sulfites while increasing your health and saving money.