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Stomach Bloating Causes 
Excessive Gas and Bloating

Stomach bloating causes...and how to relieve bloating?

Here is a list of the causes of bloating

  • Not chewing slowly and not eating slowly in a relaxed atmosphere
  • Lack of digestive enzymes to digest and assimilate the food
  • Intestinal transit time that is too slow, ie constipation that results in foods putrefying in the colon.
  • A liver that is engorged
  • Lack of bile salts to break down fats
  • An accumulation of fecal matter on the lining of the intestine
  • Poor food combining, especially sugars and starches, ie fruits and vegetables eaten at the same time
  • Parasites
  • Eating foods that are difficult to digest
  • Candida albicans an over abundance of yeast in the body

When bloating of the stomach occurs around the abdominal area, the cause is usually intestinal. If it is situated further up, right under the chest, it can be the gall bladder or liver.

Home remedies for bloating

Stomach Bloating Causes
  • Eat consciously, take the time to chew your food slowly, savoring every bite
  • Reduce and eliminate all refined sugars and dairy
  • For some it helps to not drink while eating, you can try to see if there is a difference.
  • Drink a hot drink after eating (not coffee or tea) an herbal tea or hot water with the juice of half fresh lemon
  • Ensure that you are eliminating at least twice per day, increase fiber and decrease constipation
  • Eat foods high in digestive enzymes, these are all of our fresh, raw foods, especially sprouts and celery
  • When eating beans start by eating small quantities and gradually increase
  • Add a piece of kombu seaweed to the cooking water when cooking beans

Herbs for bloating -  supplements for bloating:

  • Digestive enzymes - note that those who have an overly acidic stomach would do best by choosing a plant based digestive enzyme
  • Papaya and mint helps digestion
  • Psyllium hulls to increase intestinal transit time
  • Marshmallow root and pepsin enhances digestive function
  • especially the metabolism of proteins
  • Products to help the liver
  • Products to rid the body of parasites: garlic, black walnut hulls, artemesia

By determining your stomach bloating causes and finding the reason for your excessive gas and bloating, you can then take the necessary steps to completely eliminate bloating.

Indigestion causes may be an article of interest to you as well

If you've been suffering from stomach bloating, as a certified naturopath I can definitely help you get to the cause and alleviate the problem. After just a few sessions all my clients feel so relieved to discover that their bloating has disappeared completely.

Work with me today to put an end to your bloating for good! 

I look 7 months pregnant

Question submitted by diane
(littlerock, ca , us)

I have an extremely bloated belly. I look 7 months pregnant and know I'm not. I am a 54 yr old female. Along with the big belly I have had on an off shoulder pain and ear drainage with temporary hearing loss, mostly before the drainage. Otherwise I feel fine, just uncomfortable due to the weight gain and extended stomach. Do you have any advice as to what I can do about this or what it may be?

Sue-Anne's Reply:
Does your belly feel a little bloated in the morning and it gets worse as the day proceeds? If yes, and if other symptoms are present, feeling itchy, nervous energy, increased appetite, etc, then you may have parasites.

This is more common than many people think and can often be cured with some dietary changes and a parasitic cleanse. Feel free to contact me for more details.

Other causes of bloating:
Candida Albicans, an overabundance of yeast in the body.
Lack of digestive enzymes
Slow moving intestine
Slow liver
Combining some foods in the same meal that do not easily digest easily together
Fecal matter encrusted in the intestine

If the bloating is in the lower abdomen, this indicates the problem is intestinal. Bloating higher up, under the chest indicates the gall bladder is not producing enough bile to emulsify fats.

A complete evaluation could easily determine the cause and offer suggestions to eliminate the problem.