Take the Body Type Quiz! Determine your type for easy weight loss.
The top liver cleanse recipe will increase your energy, heal your ailments and help you feel completely balanced. It is one of the best ways to lose weight with detox. Most people have a liver that could use some help and ideally everyone would do a cleanse twice per year, spring and fall are good times.
I help most of my clients who want to lose weight by starting with a gentle liver detox using some excellent quality products that I personally researched depending on their body type
What Body Type Are You? |
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One size fits all never works for a healthy eating plan or liver cleanse recipe.
For many, weight loss is impossible without first doing a natural liver detox program.
Not only that, you could be gaining weight due to a liver that is not functioning properly!
Take the Liver Quiz below to see if your liver needs help!
Your liver is the second largest organ in your body with over 500 functions. It plays a critical role in maintaining blood sugar levels and acts as a secondary line of immune defense against infection.
It's main functions are to process and eliminate toxins from the body and to process food nutrients, as well as transforming carbohydrates into glycogen to be stored for energy. It produces bile which is stored in the gall bladder, to emulsify and aid in the digestion of fats. It also makes cholesterol to transport fats through the body.
However, due to the amount of chemicals we are exposed to and a diet that is not always healthy, the liver is often abused and has a hard time functioning up to par.
Having any of these symptoms indicate that a liver cleanse recipe is a good idea for you
Here is a quiz to see if you would do well by following a natural liver cleanse recipe.
1. How often do you drink alcoholic beverages?
Daily ( 15 points)
A few times each week (10 points)
A few times each month (5 points)
Rarely or never (0 points)
2. Do you work around chemicals of any kind? Examples: beauty salon, dry cleaning, carpet cleaning, house painting, pest control or chemical lawn maintenance, auto repair shop, etc.
Yes (15 points)
No (0 points)
3. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?
Refreshed and invigorated? (0 points)
Sluggish, groggy or irritable (10 points)
4. Do you have swelling, pain or tenderness under your right rib cage?
Yes (10 points)
No (0 points)
5. Do you have PMS problems (women) or prostrate problems (men)?
Yes (5 points)
No (0 points)
6. Are you easily angered or irritated?
Yes (10 points)
No (0 points)
7. Do you frequently feel tired, depressed or sluggish?
Yes (5 points)
No (0 points)
8. Do you have skin problems such as acne, eczema or rashes?
Yes (10 points)
No (0 points)
9. How often do you get headaches or migraines?
Frequently (10 points)
Occasionally (5 points)
Rarely or never (0 points)
10. Do you crave sweets or have problems with hypoglycemia or diabetes?
Yes (10 points)
No (0 points)
Scoring the liver quiz:
60 + You definitely need to nutritionally support your liver. You should also reduce your exposure to chemicals, (food additives, pesticides, cleaning products etc)
30 to 60 Supporting your liver may help to improve your overall health
29 or less Supporting your liver is not a high priority for your health program.
Enemies of the liver:
Below are a couple of plans for a liver cleanse recipe.
Please note:
A liver cleanse recipe or detox should never be done when the body is in a weakened state. You need to first boost yourself up, and then do the detox. If you need help in doing this please work with me for a consultation. If you have a cold or infection ensure that you heal that first and that you are 100% healthy before starting any detox.
To help my clients lose weight with detox, I find the right plan for their body type, the right detox products for their metabolism and any supplements that will assist them.
It is often essential necessary to take extra fiber. If you are not eliminating 2 - 3 times per day it is best to start with adding in lots of extra fiber to your diet, at least a week before and gradually increasing the amount.
*You will be eliminating toxins from your body, so you want to ensure they're leaving the body!
Never use a laxative as this will make the digestive system lazy.
You can use dried prunes or psyllium husks are excellent. You can find psyllium hulls at the health food store. This just naturally adds extra fiber to your diet so it is very healthy.
Start with 1/4 tsp in one full 8 oz glass of water followed by a 2nd glass of water and then after a few days. (or a week if you are very constipated, (ie going less than once every day.) Then increase to 1/2 tsp in a glass of water, followed by a 2nd glass of water.
Continue this way increasing up to the right amount for you so that your bowels are moving 2 - 3 times per day. Some people may need 1/2 tsp others may need 2 - 3 Tablespoons. Everyone is different.
*Always ensure you take the psyllium 3 hours before or after any medication or other supplements.
* Always decrease the amount gradually again, although you can take psyllium hulls indefinitely sprinkle some on your cereal, add it to yogurt, drink it in water, etc.
You may also want to take an antioxidant and CoQ10 enzymes when following a natural liver cleanse recipe.
*Prepare the body for a fast or detox by slowly cutting out heavier foods, and eventually eating only vegetables and fruits. And always break a fast starting with only fruits and vegetables (these can be juiced.) Slowly introduce more solid foods one at a time.
I did this cleanse many years ago at a special fasting center. It had a very powerful impact both physically and emotionally. I didn't tell anyone at work what I had done. When I returned to work after doing the fast and cleanse on my vacation, everyone remarked on the positive changes they saw and felt I had undergone.
My skin and my whole body were glowing!
I had also simply let go of a lot of negative energy in my body physically and emotionally by doing a detox. I was lighter in body and soul.
This is exactly what we did:
Fast on fresh pressed raw apple juice for 24 - 72 hours.
(this is apple juice you make yourself with organic apples and a juicer.)
Take magnesium and a supplement to support the liver, such as milk thistle or work with me to learn about the best liver supplements for you.
Prior to bed, drink 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil mixed with 1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon or grapefruit juice.
Lay on your right side 1/2 hour before going to sleep.
If bowels don't move in the morning, take an enema or do a colon irrigation.
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This works better for Type A blood types or Type AB. Type O blood types usually don't do very well with fasting as they need more protein. Also not good for anyone with hypoglycemia or diabetes. 10 day fast using: |
I did a liver cleanse recipe - fast like this for a few days and was able to function well, go to work and felt fine. 10 days would of course require more rest and less work.
There are many options available to help you do a natural liver cleanse recipe.
Work with me, Sue-Anne Hickey as a Certified naturopath and Weight Loss Specialist I'll find the perfect plan and the prefect liver cleanse recipe for your specific body type.
I'm the creator of Bodytypology and I wrote all the articles on this site myself. Nutrition, healthy eating, healthy lifestyle has been a passion of mine for over 29 years. I've helped hundreds of people all around the world, lose weight permanently through consultations by Zoom, And I'd Love to help you!!